Sell your Christmas gift cards to Cash Converters in Roanoke
Did you get one or more gift cards this Christmas, that you don’t think you’ll use? Instead of using it to buy something that you don’t want, sell them to Roanoke Cash Converters and let us get you some cash in your wallet!
We buy gift cards from many popular stores and pay very competitive rates. Want to know if we can buy your gift card? Give us a call and we can let you know if we take in your specific gift card and how much we can pay you!
To see some of what we have for sale in our store on Williamson Rd. you can shop our online store. You can buy online and pick it in the Roanoke store any time we’re open. Don’t live in Ronaoke? No problem, call or email us to see if there would be a charge to have it shipped to you. Buying, selling, trading or pawn – Cash Converters in Roanoke provides a better way to do all four!
Our store is located at 5417 Williamson Road in Roanoke. You can also email us at or call us at 540.400.0772.