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Stuff We Buy & Other News

We Buy Gift Cards

We Buy Gift Cards

Did you get one or more gift cards this Christmas, that you don't think you'll use? Instead of using it to buy something that you don't want, sell them to Roanoke Cash Converters and let us get you some cash in your wallet! We buy gift cards from many popular stores...

Items We Are Buying Now

Items We Are Buying Now

It’s Been A Tough Year Can we just be honest with each other? This has been a strange year. Some might even say very bad, horrible, no good year. None of us have been able to escape the impact that COVID-19 has had on our lives and communities. It’s put a strain on...

3 Ways To Save Big By Selling

3 Ways To Save Big By Selling

Let's call it selling to buy. I did it recently. In fact, as I was thinking about writing this blog post, I realized it has become the way I make big purchases. When I'm thinking about making a "new" purchase (let's say I want to buy an Apple Watch as a Christmas...

Pawn Your Gun

Pawn Your Gun

We have had a few customers ask us recently if they could pawn their gun with us. If you didn't already know, the answer is YES!  Bring your firearm into our store (unloaded of course) on Williamson Road. One of our experienced buyers would be happy to appraise your...

Welcome To Jurassic Park!

Welcome To Jurassic Park!

Sometimes items come into the store that remind us why we love this business. Today was one of those days. Check out this full-size, totally lifelike velociraptor dinosaur statue.  This unique piece is 62" tall, 106" wide and 24" deep. It's made of resin and...

Cordless Drill & Impact Wrench

Cordless Drill & Impact Wrench

Are you wanting to do some home improvements, or maybe even start your own business, but don't want to pay the price of brand new tools?  If you are in the market for a high-quality hammering drill and impact wrench then check out this gently used Milwaukee M18...

18k Gold Jesus Pendant

18k Gold Jesus Pendant

You may have heard that we buy gold. Did you know that we sell it too?  We have this awesome 18k gold image of the face of Jesus. Weighing in at 2.5g, this pendant will look amazing on your favorite gold chain and will remind you of what matters to you. What's better,...

We Buy Scrap Gold

We Buy Scrap Gold

If you're familiar with our store, you probably already know that we buy scrap gold. But if you didn't - WE BUY SCRAP GOLD!!! 10k, 14k, 18k, 22k - what ever the purity is, we'll buy it and we'll pay top dollar!  As long as it's solid gold (that means its not hollow...

Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch

Do you have a Nintendo Switch that you're not using anymore? Maybe you use it but could use the money it represents even more.  If you are interested in selling it, we're interested in buying it. And we'll pay top dollar! One controller or two, vertical or sideways,...

Contact Us

4 + 12 =


Monday – Saturday   11am to 6pm

5417 Williamson Rd
Roanoke, VA 24012



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